Sunday, January 23, 2011

Typical Yes-man

A cosplay I've been considering for a while (not for any special occasion though, just because Lau is awesome)
So I'm playing a little around with make-up and such~

*Edited version of this picture*

Friday, January 14, 2011

Confined and Beautiful

I ordered a binder like... a week ago, and it came in monday, hooo yeah~
So much more comfortable than anything I've ever done to hold in the small amount of boobage that I got.

Dude! FedEx, see that's class! It came in about 24 hours after I pressed "Confirm payment", w00t!

All three manshirts, Zuum's, Hayes' and Mine. very nice.

Oh yes. Man shirt.

So right now I'm testing it out, I must say... I think I need to shrink it down a little, Toned man boobs, I don't appreciate it much, when I cosplay small boys.

Also, Kiba came by... the day before yesterday, so we could start on details for our Servant of Evil.
This time... We called out roses, since we're gonna try and win a craft-price, we're going to make as much as we can ourselves.

Working haard

I must say... IT TAKES FOREVER! Took me like 4 hours to ALMOST finish mine x__x;; but I got the technique down now >D

How you like that gorgeous?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Progress makes Perfect

I've been a good queerbody and started on my cosplays early. Because I can *huhuhuhu*

I started off, doing the base bottom of my Ivan over-alls.
Making them on my sewing machine was a pain, since it's a CHEAP model, but Nadia have allowed me to borrow hers for the finishing touches, so EF YEAH.

btw... I hate stripes that have to align. x___x

And here's an example of how thick the fabric is, next to some pretty basic white fabric.

It's still very light and comfortable though <3

And also, I've started on the detachable stuff on Len's SOE outfit.
We call it.... the butt... thing... I dunno.
I want to name it something french XDD Since I forgot what these things are actually called.

4 pieces of apx 150 meters of fabric, damn guys, damn.

There's some faults in it, stuff that I've couldn't done differently, but still... I think the end result isn't something I'll cry about, yet XD

The thing that I'm going for, I thought it was a cool detail to a very simple outfit.

This is somewhat what it'll look like, when I've sown them all together, though the second layer will be shorten a little, so it doesn't cover up the third frill.
And it'll be easire to see all the layers when I'm actually wearing it, because my butt is not flat XP

But that's it for now, I'll keep up the work, because I loooove it xD <3

Monday, January 3, 2011

Yards of new people

Today, me an Kiba, decided to go shopping fabrics for our cosplays, at this place we hadn't been before. But apparantly... all the big kids are doing it. (ooooh, you see what I did there?)

And two more halls, I don't even!

And so we did, and oh my gosh... I want to live there!
So much awesome stuff (ooh~ twice if you're danish XD)

We were in there for like... 2-3 hours, looking for all the perfect fabrics, and I really wasn't bored or uncomfortable = great.

Aftwards we left, me carrying like 11 to 12 meters of fabric. Heavy. HEAVY.
then Noerreport to stop by at Stof2000 and Panduro, nice.

I'm seirously excited about getting started!

Ivan Fiore, casual Kaito, SOE Len Kagamine